Broadcasting news from the MH3 Gear Up community and beyond.

Monday, March 19, 2007

MySpace Podcast

Do you MySpace? Are you addicted to it? Are you wary of it? Your answers to these questions may depend on which side of the digital divide you're on. Over the last few weeks, we have interviewed teachers, students, and administrators at our school about their own points of view on the issues and controversies surrounding the MySpace community. Listen to our podcast, and tell us what you think!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. Rymer's brother chiming in here from Atlanta. I really liked your podcast, ladies! It sounded great, and the content was great, too.

I'm really impressed by the range of interviews you did. It was good to hear from people with different perspectives -- both students and teachers. I would've loved to hear from a parent or two as well -- are they concerned about their kids using myspace? How are they monitoring the myspace activity of their kids?

I really liked your "myspace controversy" question -- and kudos on the really nice clarification of your question when the science teacher asked for it.

I liked your music intro, too... so much so that I missed hearing it again at the end of the podcast. Maybe at the end of the next one, you all could do a quick wrap-up on top of that music, reminding us who us who you are, thanking us for listening, and saying something like, "we hope you'll come back to listen to our next podcast." And if you have an idea what the subject(s) for future podcasts will be, why not give us a teaser as well, like news organizations often do ( e.g., "tune in next time, when we'll tackle the exciting topic of...!")? Another thing you could do in a wrap-up is ask listeners to leave comments with their own thoughts about the questions you posed during the podcast.

You all did a great job with this podcast, and I look forward to hearing more podcasts from you in the future!


Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Antonia and Fransheska for giving me the opportunity to interview with them. They were very professional.

I agree with Ms. Rymer's brother when he suggested that we hear from the parents. I wonder how many parents monitor their child's use of My Space.

Anonymous said...

Ick, MySpace. I hope you people know that's how people get kidnapped, among other things. Plus, there are several other places you can make friends on the Internet without risking your well-being.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you at 128 who are responsible for creating such a terrific website for your school. Special thanks to Ms. Rhymer for making this and so many other things at 128 possible. All of us here at GEAR UP at The Bronx Institute are espcially proud of the work that you are doing. Kevin tells us how fantastic you are on a very regular basis and we know from our own experience last summer and throughtout this year how true that is. We hope that we can learn from the work you have already done so that we can finish developing a site like yours.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
Bruce Irushalmi